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The Erasmus+, KA2, with the title “Managing the refugee and migrant flows through the development of educational and vocational frames for children and adults”, with the acronym “Xenios Zeus”, and the contract number 2016-1-EL01-KA201-023512 is realized in the following 2 years, from 01/09/2016 to 31/08/2018.The coordinator of the project is the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia and its partners are: 1) the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, both the Department of Primary Education and the School of Modern Greek Language, 2) the University of Western Macedonia, Department of Early Childhood Education, 3) the University of Aix-Marseille, ESPE France, 4) H.R.Y.O,  Human Rights Youth Organization, Palermo, Italy, 5) Municipality of Paionia, Polykastro, Kilkis, 6) Municipality of Delta, Diavata, 7) Diktyo “Alpha”, Center for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psycho-social Health in Western Thessaloniki, 8) the Cartographic Heritage Archives, department of the General State Archives of Greece- Historical Archives of Macedonia.

The dissemination seminar meeting took place on (date) in the city council hall in the municipality of Paionia. The meeting was attended by Mr. Ananiadis, the Regional Director of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, who saluted the partners and the proceedings of the meeting, Mr Keramidas, the Scientific and Pedagogical Guidance Supervisor of Secondary Education in the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, Mr Konstantinidis, responsible for the dissemination and support for the European programmes in the Regional Directorate of Central Macedonia, Mr Papadopoulos, Mr Pamporakis, Mr Fragkos, executive officers in the municipality of Paionia, also, school principals, school advisors, teachers, local society members, NGO members, Refugee Education Coordinators in the municipality of Kilkis, Mr Efthimiadis and Mr Gafeiropoulos, representatives of the partners of the project, Ms Ksefteri from the Department of Primary Education in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ms Matthaioudaki and Ms Koutousi from the Greek Language School of Aristotle University, Ms Ploutoglou and Ms Pazarli from the Cartographic Heritage Archives, as well as the project coordinators Mr Amanatidis and Ms Staikou.

During the meeting, after the partners were presented, it was the “Welcome Guide”, which was presented. The “Welcome Guide” was prepared by the Universities and is addressed to the refugee-students of all ages and all educational levels (nurses, primary school students, adults 18+). Then, the seminars beginning in April 2017 were announced. The seminars will be implemented by the universities, Diktyo “Alpha” and the Cartographic Heritage Archives and are addressed to the teachers of all specializations, so that they can teach voluntarily to refugees, both children and adults in the camps within the framework of informal education.

The “Welcome Guide” can be found in the official project site:

in the project partners’ sites:

  1. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  2. Language Teaching Programmes in the Language Laboratory of the University of Western Macedonia

The produced material will be given for free to all the teachers who are interested in using it as supplementary material in teaching refugees, even as an e-book:,