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Mrs Evangelia Psychogyiou, School Counselor of Philologists in collaboration with the European Programme Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus and the Cartographic Heritage Archives have organized a seminar to philologists with the title: “Use, interpretation and exploitation of the map and cartographic archives in the educational process”. The seminar will be held on Monday 5 February 2018, at 13:00 till 16:15, at the premises of the Direction of Secondary Education of Western Thessaloniki (22, Kolokotroni str., Thessaloniki).

On Tuesday 16 January 2018, there has been an experiential training meeting for teachers, who work in reception classes in primary schools of Eastern and Western Thessaloniki. Ms Xefteri and Ms Michaloglou of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki presented the educational support material produced within the European Programme, Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus.

On the 21st of June 2018 in Athens, within the meeting of SIRIUS National Round Table with our partner in Xenios Zeus, the Pedagogical Department of the University of Western Macedonia and the Hellenic Open University, there has been a workshop with the title: “Bridges- Workshops for the Psychosocial Support of children and adolescents refugees from 8 to 16 years old”.

The Environmental Education Office of the Direction of Secondary Education of Western Thessaloniki has organized a Conference with the title: “The Sea that unifies us”, sponsored by the Ecumenical Patriarch M. Bartolommeo, on 10th of March 2018 at Zografeio Lyceum.

During the Conference, there has been a presentation of the European Programme Erasmus+ KA2 Xenios Zeus.

Here is the program of the Conference and the poster.

Click here for the program.

  • Konstantinoupoli

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Presentation of the European Programme Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus, on Wednesday 4 October 2017, within the framework of the European programme Erasmus+ with the title: «Preparing youths for a diverse tomorrow», organized by the A’ KEDDY. This project aimed at the creation of “different” environments, where young people are not excluded, through the promotion of social cohesion, and they participate as active European citizens.

Click here to see the document.