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Participation of the partners of Xenios Zeus in the PanHellenic Scientific Congress with the title:“Open School to social and pedagogical challenges”, in a Round Table with Chairman Mr Akritidis Nikolaos, Head of Scientific and Pedagogical Guidance of Primary Education of Central Macedonia.

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On Tuesday 8-5-2018 and Wednesday 9-5-2018 the Erasmus+ «AVIOR» delegation visited the premises of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia.

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The Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, as coordinator of the European Programme Erasmus+ KA2 «Managing the refugee and migrant flows through the development of educational and vocational frames for children and adults» XENIOS ZEUS, organized its 4th Transnational Meeting.

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On the 23rd of November 2017, in the offices of the Regional Directorate of the Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, the refugee education coordinators were invited to attend a briefing meeting.

The main speaker, Mr Ragkos, the regional coordinator of North Greece and representative of the refugee education managing and monitoring group of the Ministry of Refugee Policy, was invited to inform and answer questions of the refugee education coordinators.

In the second part of the meeting, the material produced by the European Programme Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus, was presented to the refugee education coordinators

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On the 10th of November 2017, in the offices of the Regional Directorate of the Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, the school advisors of the primary education and the school advisors of the Greek language teachers in Central Macedonia were invited to attend a briefing meeting with theScientific and Pedagogical Guidance Supervisors of Primary and Secondary Education in the Regional Directorate of Central Macedonia in order to be informed about the material produced within the framework of the European Programme Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus.

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The 3rd partners’ meeting within the framework of Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus took place in Marseille, France. The participants in this meeting were: 1) Amanatidis Nikos, Mylona Dimitra, Samara Theodora and Staikou Krystallia from the Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, 2) Ksefteri Eleni and Michaloglou Thekla from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Primary Education 3) Triantafyllidou Lida and Kokkinidou Marina from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Modern Greek Language, 4) Dina Myrto from the University of Western Macedonia, Department of Early Childhood Education, 5) Jean-Luc Fauguet, Marie-Noelle Roubaud, Brahim Azaoui, from the University of Aix-Marseille, ESPE France, 6) Spyropoulou Eleutheria and Makrigianni Christina from Diktyo “Alpha” (Center for Addiction Prevention and Health Promotion in Western Thessaloniki), 7) Marco Farina from H.R.Y.O (Human Rights Youth Organization) Palermo, Italy, 8) Pazarli Maria and Ploutoglou Nopi from the Cartographic Heritage Archives, who presented the Xenios Zeus seminar material and their actions with educators.

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On the 4th-7th of May we had the 2nd transnational Meeting at Palermo-Sicily of the  Erasmus KA2, Xenios Zeus.

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On the 9th of December 2016 and from 9.30am till 1pm, a detailed portrayal to the educational councellors of primary and secondary education, took place  regarding the project's outputs and targets at the premises of the Regional Directorate of Central Mecedonia.

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