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The Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, as coordinator of the European Programme Erasmus+ KA2 «Managing the refugee and migrant flows through the development of educational and vocational frames for children and adults» XENIOS ZEUS, organized its 4th Transnational Meeting. All the partners participated at the meeting:

  1. The Department of Primary Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece,
  2. The School of Modern Greek Language of the Aristotle University,
  3. The Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Western Macedonia,
  4. The University of Aix-Marseille, ESPE France
  5. The non-governmental Human Rights Youth Organization, H.R.Y.O. Italy, 
  6. Diktio Alpha-Center for Addiction Prevention and Health Promotion in Western Thessaloniki,
  7. The Cartographic Heritage Archives of the State Archives.

The meeting took place on 04 and 05/05/2018. On Friday, 04/05/2018, the meeting took place in the Cartographic Heritage Archives place. The proceedings of the meeting were introduced, by the Director of the Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, Mr Ananiadis Panagiotis.

As visitors in this meeting  were:

  • Mr Rangos Nikolaos, from the Ministry of Refugee Policy, as well as Mrs Machaira Eleni from the Ministry of Interiors. They answered questions of our group concerning refugee flows, the cooperation of the Ministry with the N.G.O.s, and the procedures followed for the integration of people, or their relocation to the country they wish to go to.
  • The Working Group for the Management, Coordination and Monitoring of Refugee Education in Northern Greece, Ms. Papadopoulou Fotini, Mrs Stamou Nena, Mrs Tsirigoti Chara, Mrs Felekidou Ria and Ms Chiona Smaro, presented how refugee children are integrated in the Greek educational system, and the role of the Coordinator of Refugee Education in the camps and the civil structures.
  • The senior lecturer at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Mr Triantafyllidis Alexandros presented the European Programme «S.U.C.RE.», whose coordinator is the Aristotle University. This programme focuses on the process of linguistic preparation and assessment of knowledge required for the smooth integration of refugees/migrants in Higher Education, for students and teachers, as well as their academic support after their integration.

On Saturday 5-5-2018, the Xenios Zeus Group gathered at the premises of the Regional Directorate of Primary & Secondary Education of Central Macedonia.

First, the proceedings started with the presentation by the Head of Pedagogical and Scientific Guidance of Primary Education in Central Macedonia Mr Nikolaos Akritidis, and a member of the Management and Scientific Group of Xenios Zeus. There has been an analytic description of the humanitarian crisis over Europe the last few years, referring to the large migratory flows and the procedures of integration of refugee and their children, in the Greek society, especially in the Greek educational system.

Afterwards, Ms Krystallia Staikou- member of the Management Group of Xenios Zeus presented a preview of the 2nd year of the programme, referring to the feedback –through interviews- of the volunteer teachers, about the phase of the application and the evaluation of the educational support material taught to the refugees in the camps.

Then, Mrs Dimitra Lapata presented the website developed throughout the Xenios Zeus Programme. She mentioned the dissemination and she showed how we could have access to the Welcome Guide and the Educational Support Material, produced by the partners of Xenios Zeus.

Moreover, Mrs Mitakidou Christodoula, Professor at the Department of Primary Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, referred to the training courses and the assessment of the volunteer teachers on the Educational Support Material for the 6-15 age group students in the camps.

In addition, Mrs Kokkinidou Marina and Mrs Triantafyllidou Leda, Specialized Educational Staff of the School of Modern Greek Language of the Aristotle University, presented the training courses and the evaluation given by the volunteer teachers on the Educational Support Material, for the 18+ age group students in the camps. They, also, proposed ways to improve and adapt their courses to the needs of the refugee population.

Furthermore, Mr Ganakas Ioannis, on behalf of the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Western Macedonia and member of the training group of the teachers, presented the evaluation of the training courses on the educational support material for the 4-6 age group, developed from the University of Western Macedonia.

On behalf of “Diktyo Alpha”, Mrs Makrogianni Christina and Mrs Maroglou Fotini presented the dissemination activities of their material named “Bridges” for the 8-16 age group. They referred, also, to the possibility of use of this material by psychologists and social workers in the refugee camps. Lastly, they presented the evaluation forms of their material.

Additionally, Mrs Roubaud Marie-Noёlle, Mr. Azaoui Brahim, Mrs Gouaich Karima και Mrs Lebris Anaїs of the University Aix-Marseille, ESPE, underlined the evaluation phase of their educational support material and the need for readjustment of it and of its extension to other age groups.

Moreover, Mrs Kalafat Senem, from H.R.Y.O. (Human Rights Youth Organisation) Palermo, Italy, revealed the reactions of the local society, concerning the integration of refugee population in Italy.

Lastly, Ms Pazarli Maria and Mrs Ploutoglou Nopi, on behalf of the Cartographic Heritage Archives of the State Archives, presented their participation to the Xenios Zeus programme and especially their educational programme, their dissemination activities, multiplier events and their mass media tool they created. They referred to the evaluation phase of their material and expressed the need for further actions.

Finally, a discussion with the volunteer teachers, Mr Papias Christos, Ms Kyratzopoulou Stella, Ms Tsiripidou Maria and Ms Baikousi Stavroula- Eleni, took place. They shared their experience of their stay in the camps. They presented their gathering with the refugee children, the difficulties they encountered using the Educational Support Material of Xenios Zeus, as well as their suggestions to improve it.

The works of the 4th Transnational Meeting ended with the participation of the Xenios Zeus partners in the PanHellenic Scientific Congress with the title: “Open School to social and pedagogical challenges”.

The partners had the opportunity to adopt a position upon the following subject: “Refugee and migrant flows in E.E. countries have created new social, cultural and- above all- educational data. E.E. countries need to defend those people’s human rights, so they can have access in education and be integrated to local societies.

Those new data need new design in curricula and educational support material. Are we ready - and to what extend- as curricula in this challenge?”This was developed in a Round Table with Chairman Mr Akritidis Nikolaos, Head of Scientific and Pedagogical Guidance of Primary Education of Central Macedonia.

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