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On the 10th of November 2017, in the offices of the Regional Directorate of the Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia, the school advisors of the primary education and the school advisors of the Greek language teachers in Central Macedonia were invited to attend a briefing meeting with theScientific and Pedagogical Guidance Supervisors of Primary and Secondary Education in the Regional Directorate of Central Macedonia in order to be informed about the material produced within the framework of the European Programme Erasmus+, KA2, Xenios Zeus.

The material was presented by the following members of the group:

  • the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the Department of Primary Education: Ms Ksefteri, Ms Michaloglou
  • the School of Modern Greek Language: Ms Takouda, Kokkinidou, Sechidou, Triantafyllidou
  • the University of Western Macedonia, Department of Early Childhood Education: Mr Ntinas
  • Diktyo “Alpha”, Center for the Prevention of Addiction and Promotion of Psycho-social Health in Western Thessaloniki: Ms Spyropoulou
  • the Cartographic Heritage Archives, department of the General State Archives of Greece- Historical Archives of Macedonia: Ms Pazarli, Ms Ploutoglou